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Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Trip to Seattle

Well I have finally arrived at the famous city of Seattle. For long I have planned to get to this city but always managed to find a reason not to come.

As usual I slept through the entire plane ride except the period when the breakfast being served. I woke up had breakfast, pulled out me laptop. Didnt even open it and slept over it. The stewardess had to wake me up before the landing to shove my laptop infront of my seat. Even after doing that I conked out. Woke up when people started moving.

Vikas was there to pick me up at the airport. We had Lunch and then he dropped me at the Pike street Market. I walked around the market a bit and then headed to the Seattle Center. Went up the Space Needle Tower. Was a really nice view (but 14 bucks, they should have student discounts like those in Europe.). Then went into the Science Museum (was for kids mainly but I still enjoyed it. Grad students are mostly kids.) Saw an IMax film on Greece. Was pretty nice. They recreated the Parthanon using computer graphics (actual use of some CS research).

Am going out right now with Robin and plan on dinner with Yogesh tomorrow. Oh and yes I have 2 days of work ahead of me.


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