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Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Understanding on the Hindu stand on existance of human beings.

At the beginning there was only one. The complete the omnipotent. Then there was a will for individualism inside the one. To complete the will of individualism a thought arose and manifestation took place. This was the beginning of the multiverse. The precurser which eventually led to the big bang and creation of this universe.

Eventually the individualism took hold of parts and they broke off as individual souls (are separate and yet part of the total). This caused the starting of the living beings in this multiverse. Yet teh consciousness not very strong and it manifested itself in the form of very primitive beings. May be what the scientists describe as RNA based life.

But then there was a constant struggle towards improved consciousness as the concept of `aham' got evolved, till the humans evolved. This manifestation was the epitome of ``aham'' and yet allowed the individual soul to realize that there was more than just the ``aham''. This realization would eventually lead to the destruction of ``aham'' and lead to remerging of the indivdual soul into the singular cosmic being without any individualism.

Yet there are enough souls at any point to keep an alternate unvierse running. So while the manifestation was the will cosmic being it was done not to satiate him for he has no need of satiation. He is beyond need and want. Yet the individuals that developed inside of him wanted a separate existance. In order to satiate that need for separate existence manifestation was nesseciated.The human manifestation appears when the manifestation has reached a certain consciousness.

In conclusion there was no explicit creation of human beings or for that matter any living being. In modern scientific terms. A huge source of energy got converted to matter, as the complexity of this matter increased from simple protons to hydrogen atoms to preliminary carbon based life forms the consciousness (overall complexity) grew to the level so as to give rise to living beings.
As the complexity increased the level of consciousness got raised and we eventually evolved. Hindu scriptures say we are the epitome of evolution, and have the capability to realise that we are but a inseparable part of the initial source of energy that transformed into this Universe.